A History of ASEASUK
A Journey among the Peoples of Central Borneo
Anthropologi Modern Asia Tenggara
Anthropology and Development in South-East Asia
ASEASUK News co-editor
Between West and East
Borneo Oerwoud in Ondergang
Borneo People of the weeping Forest
Britain and South-East Asia
Cultuur Bewust Maleisie
Special Issue: Emerging Tourism and Tourism Studies in Southeast Asia
Decorative Silverware in the Brunei Museum Ethnographic Collection
Environmental Challenges in South-East Asia
Essays on Borneo Societies 1
Essays on Borneo Societies 2
Ethnic Classification and Ethnic Relations Borneo Case Study
Ethnicity and Electoral Politics in Sarawak
Explorers of South-East Asia Six Lives
From Buckfast to Borneo Essay to Robert Nicholl
From Buckfast to Borneo Kuching edition
Heritage Tourism in Southeast Asia
Images of Malay Indonesian Identity
Issues in Rural Development in Malaysia 1
Issues in Rural Development in Malaysia 2
Isu-isu Pembangunan Luar Bandar di Malaysia
Kalimantan Tempo Doeloe
Malaysia Customs and Culture
Margins and Minorities Malaysia 1
Margins and Minorities Malaysia 2
Metalworking in Borneo
Moving Pictures More Borneo Travel
Planning for Agrarian Change
Register of South-East Asianists 1
Register of South-East Asianists 2
Register of UK Research on Maritime South-East Asia
Research on South-East Asia
Rural Development and Social Science Research Case studies from Borneo
The Best of Borneo Travel
The Historical Construction of Southeast Asian Studies
The Maloh of West Kalimantan
The Military in South-East Asian Politics
The Modern Anthropology of South-East Asia Anthropology
The Peoples of Borneo
The Rejang of Southern Sumatra
The Samin Movement of North-central Java
The Simple Guide to Malaysia
The Sociology of Southeast Asia
Tourism in Borneo
Tourism and Heritage in South-East Asia
Tourism in Southeast Asia Issues
Tourism in South-East Asia
West Kalimantan Bibliography
World Within The Ethnic Groups of Borneo
Ethnicity in South-East Asia
Rethinking Asian Tourism
The Modern Anthropology of South-East Asia Borneo Studies in History, Society and Culture Human Insecurities in Southeast Asia Culture and Identity
UNESCO in Southeast Asia

Borneo and Beyond

Convergence and Divergence in Tourism Development Special Issue, Tourism, Identity and Recent Innovations

Issue, Revisiting and Reconstructing Southeast Asian Characteristics

Tourism and Monarchy in Southeast Asia UNESCO in Southeast Asia
Tourism and Ethnodevelopment Tourism in East and Southeast Asia Tourism and Leisure in Thailand: Erik Cohen and Beyond Culture Smart! Malaysia Customs and Etiquette of Malaysia Emerging Tourisms and Tourism Studies
Special issue: Sustainability of Cultural and Natural Heritage. Special issue: Current Issues in Tourism: Thailand and Beyond Special issue: Southeast Asian Studies: Area, Method and Comparison Tourism in South-east Asia Indigenous Amazonia Borneo and Sulawesi
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Continuity and Change in Brunei Darussalam Origins, History and Social Structure in Brunei Darussalam  The Construction of Southeast Asia 'Wild Borneo': Anthropologists at War in the Rainforest Covid-19 and Tourism in Southeast Asia 'Special issue: Debating Southeast Asia'
Defining Southeast Asia and the Crisis in Area Studies Issues in Rural Development in Malaysia South-East Asia Uncovered Malaysia, Customs and Culture Fieldwork and the Self: Changing Research Styles in Southeast Asia Discourses, Agency and Identity in Malaysia: Critical Perspectives
The Iban of Temburong: Migration, Adaptation and Identity in Brunei Darussalam. Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Brunei.